

Dive into your intellectual passions through a series of academically challenging seminars with other students as curious as you.


While Honors programs at  other institutions simply provide special sections of regular classes, our university Honors program was crafted to offer a sequence of special seminar-style classes. 

50多年了, the Seattle 大学荣誉课程 has provided learners like you with the opportunity to join a community of engaged students 和 professors, 致力于研究伟大作品的, 这些思想和历史塑造了我们世界的发展.


Our dynamic Honors program courses fulfill all core curriculum requirements in your program of study.


Our university Honors program operates on a cohort model that provides you with an invested community of fellow students who will go through the curriculum with you, 随着你们在知识和领导能力上的共同成长. 

通过我们研讨会式的课堂理念, 论文会议和口试, 你会在公众演讲中培养出沉着和自信, 进行研究,交流知识和想法. 

We consider our university Honors program the perfect pairing of knowledge 和 skills necessary for you to succeed as a leader in our world today.


Our Honors program offers three tracks to accommodate 和 complement students’ diverse interests 和 collegiate aspirations.



This two-year track creates an intensive focus on the humanities disciplines of philosophy, 历史与文学, 社会科学, 以及科学的历史和哲学. 它为各种专业提供了坚实的基础.



This two-year track is similar to the 知识的传统 track in your first year 和 places a strong emphasis on political economy 和 社会科学 in your second year. If you are interested in public policy-oriented careers that complement the 社会正义 focus of the university mission, 这可能非常适合你.



This three-year track focuses on the idea of innovation as it has informed various areas of human endeavor from ancient times to the present. It is a great option if your intended major includes a large number of required classes offered at specific times.


荣誉课程是为入学的一年级学生准备的. University Honors applicants must first apply for admission to 国外博彩app before completing an additional Honors application.

The first step in applying to Honors is to submit your Common Application to the university. 一旦你的申请被录取团队处理, 如果你申请了与荣誉课程兼容的课程, you will see an invitation to submit an application to the Honors program towards the bottom of your SU application portal/checklist.

  • 因为前两年的学分要求比较高, 护理, 诊断超声, 计算机科学学士, 生物学学士, 刑事司法理学士, 犯罪学与法医学, 法医学专业, 和 BS majors who pursue the Pre-健康 Pathway can only take the 创新 track.
  • 健康预科生,生物学学士学位, 英语, 创意写作, 历史或哲学可以选择三门荣誉课程中的任何一门.
  • Science majors pursuing a BA can take any of the three Honors tracks.
  • Engineering students cannot be admitted to the 大学荣誉课程 because of class schedule conflicts.
  • Matteo Ricci students are ineligible for the 大学荣誉课程 because its program of study has a separate curriculum.

By the end of their course of study, University Honors students should be able to:

  • 展示整合的能力, 分析, 和 respond to primary texts 和 critical issues by using the vocabulary, 解释方法, 以及不同学科的理论观点.
  • 展示专注倾听的技巧, 有效的沟通, 和 reflective thinking so that they can be critical when evaluating their own work 和 the work of others.
  • 应用 their synthesized study of the perennial questions about meaning 和 value to the discussions of specific disciplines as well as to their own lives 和 to the contemporary world.
  • 表现出对知识探索的承诺, 道德订婚, 社会正义, 和 just action so that they are capable of acting as leaders in their fields of study 和 beyond.
  • Demonstrate historically-grounded knowledge of local 和 global issues, engaging perspectives from multiple traditions–particularly marginalized traditions–both past 和 present.


Sahil Bathija和其他人在毕业典礼上参加该项目的学生可获得1美元的奖励,800 Honors scholarship for all four years of their undergraduate education.

所有现在的优等生 知识的传统社会,政策和公民 带有3的音轨.0 or higher GPA are also eligible for the Madsen Family Honors Program Scholarship.

Recipients are selected based on their academic performance 和 commitment to Honors, 优先考虑知识传统方向的学生.


戴夫·马德森在红色背景前的照片这些奖项颁发给合格的学生  知识的传统社会,政策和公民 带有3的音轨.平均绩点在0分或以上的奖学金是由Dr. 戴夫·马德森和他的妻子玛丽·安妮. 曾任荣誉主任和历史学名誉教授. Madsen taught with inspiration 和 dedication in the 大学荣誉课程 for over thirty-five years before his retirement.

马德森家庭荣誉计划奖学金是为了纪念马德森博士. Madsen在国外博彩app的职业生涯, are awarded to outst和ing students at the end of their first year in the Program. Recipients are selected based on their academic performance 和 commitment to Honors, 优先考虑知识传统方向的学生.

The scholarships are announced at the annual Honors celebration at the close of spring quarter, 并在明年年初申请荣誉课程.

University Honors students are strong c和idates for other scholarships at 国外博彩app 和 beyond.

除了荣誉奖学金, during spring quarter of sophomore year many Honors students apply for 和 receive Naef or Bannan scholarships.

While still in the program some Honors students have been awarded Fulbright awards to pursue summer studies in New York or London. 荣誉项目还培养了许多杜鲁门学者. 

访问 经济援助及奖学金 了解更多信息.

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毕业后,伊莎贝尔一直是一名美国律师.S. 富布赖特研究员, Vietnam 和 is now a c和idate for her Masters in Public 健康 at the University of Michigan. “I owe not only my Fulbright award 和 graduate school acceptances but also my ongoing academic curiosity to the Honors program. 每一位在办公时间欢迎我的教授, 帮助我在学业上成长, 给我写的一封推荐信改变了我的一生."



We're here to answer any questions you might have about the Seattle 大学荣誉课程.

